Sunday, May 08, 2005

A really powerful Mother's Day message

The article is called, "Watch out: Becoming a Mother Changes Everything" and it's by Mary Babic. Here's a sample:

It seems like the U.S. has taken a big crayon and drawn all over the world: here are the bad guys, we can bomb them; here are the good guys, we'll send them more bombs of their own. Black and white, evil and liberty, wrong and right.

Well, I'll tell you what I see: mothers and children. Sometimes, I see American mothers here at home: waiting and praying for their children to come back from wars on foreign soil; watching the news and wondering how much longer their sons can dodge the snipers' bullets. So many years of wiping tears and making macaroni and mending pants - to be canceled by what? A man in his own land, with his own government, who does not want to be occupied any longer. Who sees her son as an enemy. The kid who played with super hero dolls and sang in the choir. And sometimes, I see Iraqi mothers, and their children. They endured Saddam Hussein; they endured a war to oust him; they are now enduring scarce resources and ongoing violence, the daily losses of life and limbs.

So what I want for Mother's Day this year: a commitment to peace. A commitment to find a way to get our troops out of Iraq, and to let the Iraqis create their own future. As a mother, I want to protect my children; and the children in other countries.

I've given you the gist of it but the whole article is worth a read. Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there!

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