Sunday, September 04, 2005

Bald-faced lies

The Times-Picayune of New Orleans has written a scathing article about the failures of the Bush administration in rescuing the people of that devastated city. Editor and Publisher reports on that article and prints it in full. Here's an excerpt:

Every official at the Federal Emergency Management Agency should be fired, Director Michael Brown especially.

In a nationally televised interview Thursday night, he said his agency hadn’t known until that day that thousands of storm victims were stranded at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center. He gave another nationally televised interview the next morning and said, "We’ve provided food to the people at the Convention Center so that they’ve gotten at least one, if not two meals, every single day."

Lies don’t get more bald-faced than that, Mr. President.

Yet, when you met with Mr. Brown Friday morning, you told him, "You’re doing a heck of a job."

That’s unbelievable.

There were thousands of people at the Convention Center because the riverfront is high ground. The fact that so many people had reached there on foot is proof that rescue vehicles could have gotten there, too.

We, who are from New Orleans, are no less American than those who live on the Great Plains or along the Atlantic Seaboard. We’re no less important than those from the Pacific Northwest or Appalachia. Our people deserved to be rescued.

No expense should have been spared. No excuses should have been voiced. Especially not one as preposterous as the claim that New Orleans couldn’t be reached.

Heads ought to roll. But knowing Bush, Michael Brown will probably get a medal.


  1. Anonymous1:32 PM

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  2. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Even in tragedy, life brings surprises. Sr. Ellie often reminds me that life is never an either/or, but is usually shades of gray. This was brought home today when I discovered that 2 groups I am not particularly fond of have obviously stepped up to the plate in a major way. First was Wal-Mart. In an interview with the governor of Mississippi today he was blasting the federal government. The interesting part was when he said if the federal government had responded as quickly and efficiently as Wal-Mart did the disaster area would not be in the mess it is now. He did not specify what Wal-Mart had done, but obviously, at least to him, it was impressive. The second was when I read in the Sunday paper that the Oklahoma Southern Baptist Convention has volunteered to take in 2000 to 3000 evacuees at Falls Creek,the Oklahoma Southern Baptist camp/retreat center. The plans have already been put in place and they are supposed to start arriving between Monday and Wednesday. Even if they never get a single evacuee, I will always remember that they stepped up to the plate when they were needed. I hope I remember these two events when I am wanting to make a judgment about a person or group and take the time to take a second and even third look. Carolyn L.

  3. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Sorry, the above comment was actually intended to be placed on the Sunday blog for the Meditaion Matters blog site. Carolyn L.


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