Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Comments, please?

Okay, folks. I know you're out there. I know this blog is not going into the void because people see me in person and tell me they're reading it or I get the occasional email referring to something I've blogged. So let's get the comments function working! The way a blog becomes a vital and reliable part of people's support systems is through the conversations that develop in the comments section. Here's how it works: Someone leaves a comment. Then someone else responds to the first comment. Then the first commenter answers back. Then the blog owner makes a response. Then someone else provides a link to still another article. Then people start commenting about that.

If you want to "talk" about something other than the article I've posted then put OT at the beginning of your comment. That stands for "off topic" and is perfectly legitimate. You can post about anything you want.

Also, if you don't want to have to register with Blogger, that is perfectly okay. Just post anonymously but sign your name or nick name in the text section of your comment so we know how to respond to you.

I always read every comment that people post. Blogger automatically send me an email with each new comment so I don't even have to re-read the blog itself to know your comment is there. If everybody who reads Child of Illusion would consistently make comments, we would have a nice little on-line community here. Okay? How about it?


  1. Anonymous7:29 AM

    you got it.

  2. Yes, indeed, I do. And thanks for your comments on the earlier post.


New policy: Anonymous posts must be signed or they will be deleted. Pick a name, any name (it could be Paperclip or Doorknob), but identify yourself in some way. Thank you.