Monday, September 04, 2006

Rank injustice

If you've read my posts already today, you know that I'm focusing on issues of economic justice. You might want to click through and read the article by Greg Palast entitled "Today's pig is tomorrow's bacon (a Labor Day recipe)". Palast reports on this reprehensible development at Dupont:

This week, Dupont, the chemical giant, slashed employee pension benefits by two-thirds. Furthermore, new Dupont workers won't get a guaranteed pension at all -- and no health care after retirement. It's part of Dupont's new "Die Young" program, I hear. Dupont is not in financial straits. Rather, the slash attack on its workers' pensions was aimed at adding a crucial three cents a share to company earnings, from $3.11 per share to $3.14.

So Happy Labor Day.

Let's hope Palast's title is correct and that the pigs eventually get their just reward.

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