Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Everyone's burden

Last night Bill Maher was a guest on the Tonight Show and I saw part of the interview. Maher made the point that both Gore and Kerry would have made better presidents than Bush because they READ. He reiterated that several times. The observation below demonstrates why that is so important:

All human beings have this burden in life to constantly figure out what's true, what's authentic, what's meaningful, what's dross, what's a hallucination, what's a figment, what's madness. We all need to figure out what is valuable, constantly. As a writer, all I am doing is posing the question in a way that people can see very clearly.

-- Maxine Hong Kingston

Bush is not doing this. He lives in an imaginary world. He has never accepted the universal burden of discerning what is true, authentic, meaningful or madness.

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