Thursday, November 15, 2007

Edwards on health care

Ha! This is good:

Last week, John Edwards launched a series of ads across Iowa promising that if he were elected and Congress didn't pass his healthcare plan, he would strip lawmakers of their own coverage.

Arguing that ordinary Americans deserve access to healthcare that's just as good as what members of Congress get is a devastatingly effective message and has long been a crowd-pleaser among progressives. Edwards told radio talker Ed Schultz, "There's no excuse for politicians in Washington to have heathcare, but America doesn't have healthcare, and I think we have to shake this place up a little bit. What we would do is we would submit legislation saying if universal healthcare is not passed by this summer, that the Congress and members of the administration would lose their healthcare coverage."

I think this is an absolutely splendid idea!


  1. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Works for me. Marilyn

  2. The problem is that people who do have good health insurance have an interest in maintaining the system as it is. Their lives apparently are worth more than the rest of us.


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