Thursday, September 09, 2010

This is for real. Wow. Just wow:


  1. What gets me about the Qur'an burning is that Islam shares history with Christianity and Judaism. Burning a Qur'an means burning stories of Adam, Abraham, Moses, and so on. It just doesn't make sense!

  2. Goodness, Courtney. I never thought of that. Excellent point!

  3. It bothers me that everyone seems to be oblivious the fact that there were Muslims who worked at the Trade Towers who were killed on 9/11. Why is that not addressed? Why should their families not have a place to pray when they visit the site? We have Muslims who are in the U.S. Military. They have fought and died for this country. Why is that overlooked? Just asking.

  4. I've seen that pointed out a few places, BooCat, but not many. It does, indeed, need to be emphasized over and over.


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