
Monday, May 30, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
So much for civil liberty
- President Obama, after he signed into law a four-year extension of the Patriot Act, post–Sept. 11 powers to search records and conduct wiretaps in pursuit of terroristsIt's an important tool for us to continue dealing with an ongoing terrorist threat.
Mr. President, what part of "The terrorists have won," don't you understand?
By the way, the so-called "Patriot Act" allows much more egregious violations of civil liberties than the ones mentioned above. But that's Time Magazine's description - not mine.
Ya think?
-- Janice Forsyth, director of the International Centre for Olympic Studies at the University of Western Ontario, after it was ruled that women must wear skirts to play badminton at the elite levelThis is a blatant attempt to sexualize women.
Skirts???? For Olympic athletes? Required?
Absolutely ridiculous.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011
Killer Tornadoes: How Devastating Extreme Weather Is Linked to Human-Caused Climate Change
And here's one paragraph from someone being interviewed:
Will we ever wake up and confront what is happening?BILL McKIBBEN: Sure. Look, what’s happening is we’re making the earth a more dynamic and violent place. That’s, in essence, what global warming is about. We’re trapping more of the sun’s energy in this narrow envelope of atmosphere, and that’s now expressing itself in many way. We don’t know for sure that any particular tornado comes from climate change. There have always been tornadoes. We do know that we’re seeing epic levels of thunderstorm activity, of flooding, of drought, of all the things that climatologists have been warning us about.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Definitely the quote of the day (last night)
Kathy Hochul's victory tonight is a tribute to Democrats' commitment to preserve and strengthen Medicare, create jobs, and grow our economy," Pelosi said. "And it sends a clear message that will echo nationwide: Republicans will be held accountable for their vote to end Medicare.
-- Nancy Pelosi
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
Taking America to a dark place
I want you to know that the fundamentalist political movement is the beginning of a cultural revolution that will take our nation to a very dark place. You have to understand that this has been methodically planned and is being carried out with the utmost vigilance. In accordance with their worldview, my old friends do not in the least care about what you think. They are against democracy, and they are seeking to end the rule of the majority in our great country.
They truly believe that if you have not been “saved,” you are living under a curse and are incapable of knowing what is best and that because of this you should be ruled over. You should also know they do not believe that even centuries-old Christian communities (Catholics, Anglicans, Greek Orthodox, etc.) are “saved,” only those who think like they do.
You might be thinking that a minority fundamentalist group of zealots can’t really take over the direction of a society. Just look at Iran, or the countless other places where people have allowed this to happen.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Fox "News" and Palin
It's a very short piece. Just click on through and read it.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Friday, May 20, 2011
Today's CNN QuickVote
Are you worried about the doomsday predictions?
Mitt Romney Haunted By Past Of Trying To Help Uninsured Sick People
Here's how it gets started:
Now, lest anybody get all in a dither about this, it's satire, folks.Though Mitt Romney is considered to be a frontrunner for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, the national spotlight has forced him to repeatedly confront a major skeleton in his political closet: that as governor of Massachusetts he once tried to help poor, uninsured sick people.
Romney, who signed the state's 2006 health care reform act, has said he "deeply regrets" giving people in poor physical and mental health the opportunity to seek medical attention, admitting that helping very sick people get better remains a dark cloud hovering over his political career, and his biggest obstacle to becoming president of the United States of America.
And it's making a powerful point all the same.
And it's the right thing, too
Catholic Church in Florida Planning to Pray For Osama bin Laden
And, predictably, people are outraged.
I don't see how they can justify their objections, however. Take a look:
But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you (Luke 6:27-28).
Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse (Romans 12:14).
Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing (1 Peter 3:9).
Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord. On the contrary: "If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head." Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good (Romans 12:17-21).
I'm quoting the Bible, folks.
It is a Christian imperative to love and pray for one's enemies. It just is. I don't care how outraged you are. The love of one's enemies is central to the Christian religion.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Headline of the day
Insider: "The Christian Right is Aiming to Destroy All Things Public"
I don't understand this; I really don't.
Here's one paragraph toward the end:
I really recommend that you read the whole article. It's excerpted from Frank Schaeffer's recent book entitled Sex, Mom, and God: How the Bible's Strange Take on Sex Led to Crazy Politics--And How I Learned to Love Women (and Jesus) Anyway. How's THAT for a title?The price for the Religious Right’s wholesale idolatry of private everything was that Christ’s reputation was tied to a cynical union-busting political party owned by billionaires. It only remained for a Far Right Republican- appointed majority on the Supreme Court to rule in 2010 that unlimited corporate money could pour into political campaigns— anonymously—in a way that clearly favored corporate America and the superwealthy, who were now the only entities served by the Republican Party.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Predictable, really
-- DONALD TRUMP, real estate mogul, announcing that he would not run for president; he also said he "maintain[ed] the strong conviction that if I were to run, I would be able to win the primary and ultimately, the general election"Ultimately ... business is my greatest passion, and I am not ready to leave the private sector.
Gosh. So he manages to be both a quitter and an ego-freak at the same time.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Friday, May 13, 2011
Recent posting difficulties
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Today's CNN QuickVote
Who would be more likely to get your vote for president in 2012?
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Horrible, horrible man
- John Boehner, Republican Speaker of the House, referring to tax increases as a way of dealing with U.S. debt; he has spoken of the need for "trillions, not just billions" worth of spending cutsIt is off the table. Everything else is on the table.
Now take a look here:
Now here's a little context:[Monday], John Boehner outlined his list of demands for raising the debt ceiling, saying that unless the Obama administration and Senate Democrats accept trillions of dollars in Republican spending cuts, the House GOP would not increase the federal debt limit, even if that leads government default, a collapse of global financial markets, and another severe recession.
[Tuesday], the White House compared his proposal to economic terrorism...
The above statistics are from an email sent out by Sojourners.Financial: The U.S. is spending more than $100 billion per year in Afghanistan
Human: 1,570 Americans killed, more than 10,000 wounded
More than 10,000 civilian Afghan deaths, 3,000 in 2010 alone
Solution: End these wars! It's preposterous that we choose to cut social services while maintaining expensive, unnecessary wars. Also morally reprehensible.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Yeah, probably
- Wang Qishan, Vice Premier of China, saying, in a rare interview on U.S. public television, that Americans have a limited understanding of China's "ancient civilization" and are generally drawn first to EuropeThe American people, they're very simple people.
Monday, May 09, 2011
What a question!
GOP Assault on Truth: Why Do Conservatives Pretend They Know More About Science Than Scientists?
Here's how it gets started:
Really. Do go read the rest of it. It's an eye-opener.Earlier this year, Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.) and Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) introduced legislation “repealing the...[EPA’s] scientific finding that carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases are endangering human health and the environment.” That’s right, politicians voted to repeal a scientific finding. It failed in the Senate. But if Republicans were to take control of the White House and Senate, the bill would undoubtedly become law.
Sunday, May 08, 2011
"America Is Shutting Down"
The rest of it is truly worth reading and thinking about as well.How could we be so careless as to let the the U.S. descend in so short a time from being a wealthy and productive nation to one controlled by lobbyists, living on imports, selling our companies to our foreign competitors and living on ever increasing debt.
In honor of Mother's Day
Saturday, May 07, 2011
What is the true threat of terrorism?
~~~Despite fearful rhetoric to the contrary, terrorism is not a transcendent threat. A terrorist attack cannot possibly destroy a country’s way of life; it’s only our reaction to that attack that can do that kind of damage. The more we undermine our own laws, the more we convert our buildings into fortresses, the more we reduce the freedoms and liberties at the foundation of our societies, the more we’re doing the terrorists’ job for them.
Something worth knowing about taxes
Americans are paying the smallest share of their income for taxes since 1958, a reflection of tax cuts and a weak economy, a USA TODAY analysis finds....The USA Today analysis shows that if tax receipts today were at the level they were through the 70′s, 80′s and 90′s, that would eliminate “one-third of the estimated $1.5 trillion federal deficit this year.”
Friday, May 06, 2011
Fifty years ago
- Catherine Burks-Brooks, 71, who, as a senior at Tennessee A&I State University, took part in the first Freedom Ride in May 1961I didn't want to die, now, but I didn't have any fear of doing what I had to do. I knew what was happening was wrong. And I had an opportunity to do something about it.
Thursday, May 05, 2011
On the other hand, maybe a base line level of love and compassion is hard wired into the human make up such that we've survived so far.Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive.
-- The Dalai Lama
The question of justice
The excerpt above is from an article entitled "Justice Has Been Done?" by Mike Ferner. It's a very short piece and I recommend clicking through and reading the whole thing.Real justice and a real call for celebration would have been to treat the attacks of September 11, 2001 for what they were, a massive, international criminal act and then set about dealing with it as we would any massive international crime - using international police forces to identify suspects, apprehend them, charge them, try them and punish the guilty. And we could have secured more than justice.
On September 12, 2001, a grieving world stood in full sympathy alongside the U.S., ready to assist. America, looked up to by so many, could have led the world into a new day where nations work together to prove once and for all that war is not the answer...
Wednesday, May 04, 2011
Tuesday, May 03, 2011
Monday, May 02, 2011
Something else disturbing
I thought of this immediately. Why no attempt to capture? Wouldn't justice be better served by having a proper trial?The U.S. special forces team that hunted down Osama bin Laden was under orders to kill the al Qaeda mastermind, not capture him, a U.S. national security official told Reuters.
"This was a kill operation," the official said, making clear there was no desire to try to capture bin Laden alive in Pakistan.
Is celebration really appropriate?
Here's something from the response of Veteran's for Peace that I read right here:
And let us not forget this passage from Proverbs 24:Imagine the propaganda that the U.S. media could make of video footage of a foreign country where the primitive brutes are dancing in the streets to celebrate the murder of a tribal enemy. That is the propaganda we've just handed those who will view bin Laden as a martyr. When their revenge comes, we will know exactly what we are supposed to do: exact more revenge in turn to keep the cycle going.
Some things to think about, that's all.Do not rejoice when your enemies fall,
and do not let your heart be glad when they stumble,
or else the LORD will see it and be displeased...
Sunday, May 01, 2011
Presidential snark
Donald Trump roundly deserved it.President Barack Obama poked fun at everyone -- from his wife to Donald Trump -- during the annual White House Correspondents dinner, before ending his speech with a tribute to journalists who brave deadly conditions to get a story.
Obama then singled out an unsmiling Trump and credited him with making hard decisions -- such as firing Gary Busey over Meatloaf on an episode of "The Celebrity Apprentice" -- and succeeding in his push for the president to release his long-form birth certificate.
"Now, he can focus on more important matters like, did we fake the moon landing? What really happened in Roswell? And where are Biggie and Tupac?" Obama said, referring to Neil Armstrong's 1969 walk on the moon, the alleged UFO crash in New Mexico and the deaths of rappers Biggie Smalls and Tupac Shakur.
And, then there's this:
Yes, we did love him. Mr. President, what happened?As is tradition, the dinner's featured speaker [Seth Meyers] didn't let the commander-in-chief off unscathed.
Meyers said the one candidate who could "definitely beat" the incumbent was the "2008 Barack Obama. You would have loved him."
Donald Trump's Lunacy Reveals Core Truth About the Republicans
Take a look:
I hope that terrifies you.Trump is every trend in Republican politics over the past 35 years taken to its logical conclusion. He is the Republican id, finally entirely unleashed from all restraint and all reality.
The first trend is towards naked imperialism. On Libya, he says: "I would go in and take the oil... I would take the oil and stop this baby stuff." On Iraq, he says: "We stay there, and we take the oil... In the old days, when you have a war and you win, that nation's yours." It is a view that the world is essentially America's property, inconveniently inhabited by foreigners squatting over oil-fields. Trump says America needs to "stop what's going on in the world. The world is just destroying our country. These other countries are sapping our strength." The US must have full spectrum dominance. In this respect, he is simply an honest George W Bush.
And I really want to urge you to read the rest of the article. There's more.
And an important point as well.
Here's a little part of what it says:
Let's give this analysis some attention, shall we?