Saturday, March 10, 2012


  1. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Thanks for pointing out that most interesting distinction.

    annie c

  2. The general public has such a PATHETICALLY short memory....

  3. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Count me among those who thinks that higher gas prices are good. The last time gas hit $4/gallon (during the Bush admin) we finally saw Americans ditching their SUVs and driving less. Higher prices do more than anything to wean us off our oil addiction. So while others blame Obama, I credit him!

    --Bryan Doug

  4. Yes, I agree with you, Bryan. Gas prices are much higher in Europe and they manage to cope.

    My only concern, of course, is that the higher prices are going to hurt the poor much more than anybody else...

  5. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Good point and I appreciate your concern, Ellie. I would only add that higher costs to reduce consumption are always going to hurt the poor disproportionately -- no matter the product. As for higher gas prices, that's why we have public transportation and why I use it every day. We can manage. Heck, we have to to save the environment. If it were up to me gas prices would be even higher, and I would loudly trumpet that goal if I were a politician (which is probably why I'd never get elected, I don't think). Interestingly, even Charles Krauthammer seems to favor this policy, although he comes at it from a national security perspective (as opposed to an environmental one).

    --Bryan Doug

  6. Once more, we are in agreement, Bryan.

    Unfortunately, public transportation here in Tulsa (where I live) is truly dreadful. Nevertheless, you're so right. Nothing else matters if we don't have a planet we can live on.


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