Tuesday, October 10, 2006

O Mensch Bewein

Photo by Cynthia Burgess

Well, this is interesting. I was tagged by Always Learning for the meme of listing the "songs" I want at my funeral. As I explained over on her blog, I'm an Episcopalian and we are rather traditional about such things so what I have is hymns and organ music. Here goes (with composers and/or hymn tunes):

Organ prelude: Oh Mensch bewein - J.S. Bach

Processional: I heard the voice of Jesus say - The Third Tune, Tallis

Sequence: Jesus all my gladness - Jesu, meine freude, Cruger

Offertory (choir): How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place - Johannes Brahms

Now the silence, now the peace - Now, Schalk
Remember your servants, Lord - Beatitudes, arr. Proulx
'Tis the gift to be simple - Simple Gifts, Shaker melody

Post Communion: King of Glory, King of peace - General Seminary, Walker

Organ postlude: In dir ist Freude - J.S. Bach

All hymns are from the Episcopal Hymnal, 1982. I've tried to give you texts in the links above. In a couple of instances I've just linked to a webpage that gives you information about the piece.

Now it's my turn. I'm tagging MadPriest and Clyde. (I know Clyde is on vacation now but that's okay. I'm happy to wait until he gets back.) Enjoy!


  1. RUBBISH. Utter rubbish.

    This is Ellie as Ellie would like to be seen. But it's not Ellie.

    If I was doing her funeral....

    Hymns - "Fight The Good Fight, "Onward Christian Soldiers" - that sort of thing.

    Some good loud punk stuff - The Clash probably, def Billy Bragg, possibly the Pogues.

    Quieter stuff - Bruce Cockburn (Nicaragua probably), Warren Zevon,
    Suzanne Vega (Left Of Centre)

    And we would all march out of the church and down the street to the cemetery behind a New Orleans Jazz Band led by Dr John playing "When The Saints Go Marching In."

    Don't argue Ellie - I have perfect discernment.

  2. Tee hee! Oh MadPriest, you ARE a pure hoot!

    Actually you ARE right about the New Orleans jazz band. I shoudl have thought of that!

    Tell you what. YOU get to preach. I'll tell my bishop right away. He has to fly you over to Oklahoma for the occasion. (First class, too!)

  3. Hi Ellie,

    Nice list! hehe, madpriest's post is great :) I was thinking about putting more spiritual songs on my list, but felt a little awkward. I'm probably not as "evolved" spiritually as you - I rarely discuss that very important side of my life with people unless I know they are religious/spiritual as well . strange, huh? :)

    along the same note, (this is the question that I thought may offend, but I definitely don't mean anything by it!!) have been so curious as to how a devout Episcopalian is so learned and accepting of other religions? :)


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