Monday, September 26, 2005

The president's security blanket

Every Monday morning, Smirking Chimp publishes an article called Pundit Pap - a run down of the Sunday morning political talk shows. Usually I'm not home on Sunday morning and, even if I am, I really can't stomach those shows. But I think they're a fair indicator of what the news media are committed to emphasizing and they also are vehicles for the administration to communicate its spin of the week through the Republican guests that appear. So I like to read Pundit Pap. This morning, a hilarious bit of transcript from the McLaughlin show was published. I just have to share it with you:

Former Texas Gov. Bush [on video from Wednesday, 9/21/05]: Ya know something we, ahh, I've been thinking a lot about how America has responded and it's clear to me that Americans value human life and value every person as important.

And that stand in stark contrast, by the way, [next clause said slowly] to the terrorists we have to deal with.

You see, we look at the destruction caused by Katrina and our hearts break. They're the kind of people who look at Katrina and wish that they had caused it [dramatic pause].

We're at war against these people.

It's a war.... [dramatic pause] on terror.

These are evil men who target the suffering [dramatic pause].

They killed 3,000 of our people on September 11, 2001 [with an 'I'm not makin' this up' look on his face].

And they've continued to kill.

John McLaughlin: Does that ring true?

Larry O'Donnell: There are few Presidents in our history more lost than that. [Members of panel laugh out loud.] For him to find this desperate pathway from Katrina, from lives lost because of government mishandling of the hurricane that hit New Orleans. To get a path from there to his war on terror, and somehow link the hurricane to Al Qaeda, is as large as possible flight of mental illness as we've seen in a President. [More laughter.]

Tony Blankley: Now look...

Larry: There is no coherent objective to what that man said....

Eleanor Clift: He was like a child reaching for his security blanket.

Tony: Oh, lets be more respectful of the President.

Larry: Why?!

Eleanor: And putting everything in the framework of terrorism is the only thing that has sustained him. Except the public is now catching on, because they feel that Katrina revealed that we are less safe, that the Department of Homeland Security doesn't work, and that this President doesn't make us safer! He can't reach for the terrorism security blanket anymore!

When Eleanor Clift is good, she is very, very good. And I'll never again hear Bush use the "terror" without visualizing him looking like a scared little boy and clutching his security blanket for dear life.


  1. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Some people are living an illusion.

    Some people think the Government is like a big milk cow. Just feed it and suck all the milk you want.

    Some people think the government has the answer to the problem no matter what the problem.

    Gee, I wonder what the Liberals would have done if?

    Gee, I wonder what the Conservatives would have done if?

    They always have a better way when the other guys are in "power".

    We the people...

    "grid up thy loins like a man"

    Quit your bitching and go to work.

  2. Well, Anonymous. I don't see what that has to do with the president tying Katrina to 9/11 and the war on terror as his security blanket.

    Also, it seems to me that it's the big corporations like Halliburton that are treating the government like a cash cow.

    Government, by the way, is SUPPOSED to solve some problems. That's why we pay taxes. And one of the problems it's supposed to deal with is natural disasters.

  3. So, pops, do you want the poor to be begging and dying in the streets like in Calcutta? Because that's what you'll have if you dismantle the social safety net.

  4. Yes, pops, I'm here. I thought your questions were rhetorical.

    I haven't done anything about helping people in Calcutta specifically, although I do give to other relief efforts. My point was that if we don't have a social safety net we will look like Calcutta soon enough and I'm wondering if we really want that in this country.

    Poverty is a vexing problem. Welfare, such as it is, at least keeps the poor from being utterly destitute. It's very difficult for people to pull themselves out of poverty when we don't have a minimum wage that is a LIVING wage in this country and when we don't have adequate and affordable day care for working mothers.

  5. pops, why don't you go on over to Eschaton where a lot of people like to feed trolls. I really don't have the energy.


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