Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Reproductive health and enlisted women

I just got an email from NARAL Pro-choice that said the following:

For the 350,000 American women enlisted in the military, getting basic health-care services like emergency contraception and abortion care from military hospitals is extremely difficult. Congress won't allow military hospitals to provide abortion care, except in cases of life endangerment, rape, or incest - and in the latter two cases, the woman must pay for the services herself. Military health-care facilities aren't required to carry emergency contraception like the morning-after pill, either.

Earlier this month, anti-choice leaders in Congress refused to even allow votes on two pro-choice measures that would have improved military women's access to birth control and abortion care. When will anti-choice leaders put the health needs of our brave servicewomen ahead of their far-right politics?

The situation is further explained in a short article entitled, "House Blocks Votes on Amendments to Improve Military Women's Health". It's subtitled with the following statement:

Anti-choice legislators deny improved health services for rape victims in the military, even as attacks against servicewomen rose 40 % since 2004

Service women should be protected from rape in the first place. It's beyond outrageous that they are not. And denying them appropriate reproductive health care is the establishment of religion pure and simple.

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