Friday, May 19, 2006

What is a progressive?

I got an email today from Campaign for America's Future. Apparently they had a contest for answering the question, "What is a progressive?" Here are some of the responses:

* A progressive is someone who cares about the other guy. It's as simple as that!! (Lawrence F. - San Francisco, CA)

* A progressive is someone who realizes that she did not get where she is completely on her own. She had help along the way ... and wants to make sure others have the same opportunities, no matter where they started. (Colleen R. - Silver Spring, MD)

* A progressive ... believe[s] in liberty balanced with responsibility, economic opportunity balanced with just and open structures, and peace based upon being a global partner not a benevolent empire. (Norman B. - Cambridge, MA)

* A progressive is a person who thinks the best is yet to come ... (Craig S. - Fort Collins, CO)

Isn't it sad that the word "liberal" has been so demonized that we're afraid to use it anymore? I don't mind calling myself a progressive but I miss the word "liberal" to mean generous, responsible and free. What are we going to do when the wingnuts manage to demonize "progressive" as well?

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