Friday, August 11, 2006

What's coming

CNN today tells us what to expect in the hurricane department. Take a look:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- Stronger hurricanes forecast for the next few decades could flood major cities including Miami and New Orleans, environmental scientists said Wednesday.

Storm surges -- walls of water up to 30 feet high pushed ashore by hurricanes -- could pose a higher risk to coastal areas than the threat of rising seas tied to global warming, scientists from the group Environmental Defense said.

More intense hurricanes -- some as strong as 2005's devastating Katrina -- are likely in the future, the scientists said, because global climate change could mean warmer sea surface temperatures, which fuel hurricanes' development.

"There's been a lot of talk about the threat to coastal areas of sea level rise, and that is a very, very real issue ... but one that is going to unfold over a period of decades, if not a century," said Bill Chameides, Environmental Defense's chief scientist, in a telephone news conference.

"What we think will actually be a more immediate risk to coastal areas ... is the threat of storm surge, which is actually exacerbated by sea level rise due to these growing-intensity storms," Chameides said.

Now that Pat Robertson has admitted that global warming is real, do you think President Bush is going to wake up? Probably not because he takes his cues from the oil companies and all they care about is short term profits.

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