Friday, December 15, 2006

Iraq and the press

Here's a comment I found on AMERICAblog today:

If you get a chance watch DemocracyNow today. Dennis Kucinich held a conference on Iraqi civilian deaths yesterday, hosting Juan Cole and other experts.


1. Extreme under reporting of Iraqi civilian deaths in the western press.
2. 80%+ of civilian deaths reported in the western press is in and around Baghdad, though the violence is wide spread throughout the country.
3. Estimates are that on any given day when 50 civilian deaths are reported in the press that up to 500 have died throughout the country.
4. By academic definition Iraq is not only in a civil war but a civil war times ten - i.e., no question here.
5. All of Kucinich's experts agreed that the 600,000+ Iraqi civilian deaths is an accurate number - and that the western press has been down playing and not reporting these high numbers...

Lots of other facts - well worth the watch. Thanks Ohio, for giving us Kucinich - he is one of the few great Americans in politics today.

I agree with the writer's assessment of Kucinich. He would make a great president. It's a real pity he is unelectable.

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