Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Welcoming the stranger

Linda Cole sent me the following reflection that moved me very much. It is entitled "On the Journey to Universal Solidarity" and it was written by Clara Fraschetti:

I recently spent a week in a small rural village called Sega, in Ghana, West Africa. My purpose was to establish a partnership with the local school where my organization, Intercordia Canada, hopes to place student volunteers. One day I met with about 50 parents, some of whom would be asked to host our students for three months this summer. Mister Godwin, the head of the school, introduced me and asked me to say a few words about Intercordia. When I was done, Mister Godwin asked if any parents had questions. A small, older gentleman stood up, his back hunched, his skin wrinkled by the hot sun, and he asked in Dambe, "What are your first impressions of our community?" Mister Godwin translated as I described my time in Sega. I told them about my first morning and how the children had immediately taken my hand and led me through the village. As we passed people on the road, they recognized right away that I was new in town and most nodded or said "You are welcome!" Some enthusiastically took my face in their hands and said something in Dambe and then repeated "You are welcome! You are welcome!" I looked at the man standing there amongst the other parents and told him that if a stranger came to my neighbourhood, with different coloured skin, who dressed differently, no one would offer a greeting. In fact people might look at that person with suspicion and turn away. The old man looked at me with concerned eyes and said, "But, that is no way to treat a stranger." I humbly agreed with him. Then he said with conviction, "Then you must send your students, so that we can help to develop your community."

That is so beautiful. You know, reading this made me quite sad - sad that our culture is so marked by suspicion and hostility. What would it be like to live in a culture in which a basic value was to welcome the stranger? Not only would newcomers benefit but we all would be deeply enriched. And yes, we need help from people like those of Sega in Ghana to help us develop communities that manifest this level of compassion and lovingkindness.

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