Friday, July 13, 2007

Kudos to Larry Flynt

Larry Flynt

I want to call your attention to an article entitled "Flynt to Capitol Hill Hypocrites: ‘Payback’s a Bitch’". Here's part of what it says:

Watch out, philandering politicos: Larry Flynt is hot on your heels. The Hustler impresario is as tenacious as an irate pit bull in his latest crusade to expose hypocrisy on Capitol Hill, and his efforts have already borne fruit in the form of Louisiana Sen. David Vitter’s confession that he patronized “D.C. Madam” Debra Jean Palfrey’s escort service in 2001-and, according to Flynt, that exposé may well be just one of many to come.

Flynt held a press conference Wednesday at his Hustler headquarters in Beverly Hills to field questions about the Vitter case and to drop tantalizing hints to the assembled reporters about other promising leads generated by his June 3
advertisement in the Washington Post offering $1 million to any reliable source who could provide “documented evidence of illicit sexual or intimate relations with a Congressperson, Senator or other prominent officeholder.” Currently, he has “twenty-some investigations going that all look good,” almost all resulting from sources who responded to the Washington Post ad, and many of them about “high-ranking Republican and Democratic members of the Senate and the House.” In fact, Flynt said, his team has received more responses from the Post ad than it had from earlier, similar initiatives, including his effort against critics of President Clinton during the 1998 impeachment hullabaloo. “I don’t know if there’s something in the air, or if it has to do with election year,” he mused.

The self-styled porn baron promised to vet all the cases carefully and stressed that he doesn’t care about politicians’ sex lives as such. “If I got one important thing to say here,” Flynt said, “this is not a witch hunt.” Rather, his mission is to expose those in power who publicly profess to lead a particular kind of life (and, as in Vitter’s case, attempt to
legislate how others should conduct their sex lives) while contradicting their own moral codes in private. To Flynt, politicians like Vitter are hypocrites who shouldn’t be allowed to represent their people in government. “Unfortunately, we have too many of these guys in Congress,” he said, “and I’m gonna do my part to get them out of there.”

May he succeed richly.


  1. Anonymous11:39 PM

    Wonderful! I had heaard of Vitter's case but was unaware taht it began with Flynt. Love the cartoon. Love that this is more successful than the attempt on Clinton. Marilyn

  2. Anonymous1:47 AM

    Somehow, it seems to me, that things have gone very awry when Larry Flynt becomes the voice of reason as to the moral standing (or lack of moral standing)of the leaders of our country. It is a very sad day indeed.
    Carolyn L.


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