Thursday, December 06, 2007

Quote of the week

Here's the quote of the week from Sojourners:

The really uncomfortable part for the administration, aside from the embarrassment, is the policy implication. The dirty secret is the administration has never put on the table an offer to negotiate with Iran the issues that would really matter: their own security, the legitimacy of the Islamic republic, and Iran’s place in the regional order.

- Flynt Leverett, Middle East expert at the New America Foundation, who served on President Bush's National Security Council, describing how the White House has consistently ruled out any real diplomacy with Iran that could resolve the conflict over its nuclear program.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Right on Ellie! I have always said that it's not religion that makes terrorists, it's hopelessness. What if we went to Iran and said, "What does it take for you to live in peace... what do you need?" and then help them get that? What about that? It would cost a lot of money but I guarantee you it'd be cheaper than war.

    Your pal,



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