Thursday, June 26, 2008

Breaking news on hand guns

Oh my. Look at this from CNN:

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled Thursday that a sweeping ban on handguns in the nation's capital violated the Second Amendment right to bear arms.

The justices struck down the ban in a 5-4 decision, with Justice Antonin Scalia writing the opinion for the majority.

Washington Mayor Adrian Fenty said he was disappointed in the ruling...
The Second Amendment says, "A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The wording repeatedly has raised the question of whether gun ownership is an individual right, or a collective one pertaining to state militias and therefore subject to regulation.
Breyer expressed concern in his dissent that the majority's ruling could jeopardize the "constitutionality of gun laws throughout the nation."

Okay, folks. Just watch the murder rate go up in the District of Columbia.

And all you gun freaks out there: please go look up the word "militia" and, while you're at it, look up the meaning of "dependent clause." If the Second Ammendment were really about the individual right to bear arms, that clause about the militia would have been unnecessary, not to mention irrelevant.

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