Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Innocent detainees

Please go over to Common Dreams and read Oops Nation by Ted Rall. Here's an excerpt:

In December 2001, Kurnaz was a 19-year-old German Muslim studying in Pakistan. He was pulled off a bus by Pakistani security services, who delivered him to the CIA for a $3,000 bounty. He was flown to Guantánamo concentration camp, where he received what The Village Voice’s Nat Hentoff calls “the standard treatment: beatings, sleep deprivation, and special month-long spells of solitary confinement in a sealed cell without ventilation.”

He went on hunger strike, and Kurnaz’s tormentors apparently worried he might starve to death. After 20 days “they gagged me and shoved a tube up my nose, stopping several times because the tube filled with blood,” Kurnaz remembers.

What did this “worst of the worst” do to deserve such treatment? Nothing. But don’t take my word for it. Six months into his ordeal, the U.S. military determined, there was “no definite link or evidence of detainee having an association with Al Qaeda or making any specific threat toward the U.S.”

The U.S. government knew Kurnaz was innocent. Yet they held on to him another three and a half years.


I'm ashamed to be an American. Yes I am. We need to do penance before the whole world.


  1. Anonymous6:50 PM

    I agree Ellie.

    annie c.

  2. wow, that is unreal !!!

  3. Ah, Dana. You found the political blog. You might not agree with everything here -- depends on your personal politics, I suppose.


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