Sunday, February 06, 2011

This person's life philosophy

I want to call your attention to a post over on Democratic Underground called "Cards on the table..." that has moved me considerably. Here's how it gets started:

I am a liberal. No matter who is in charge at the moment.

I stand for the little guy.
I stand for the underdog.
I stand for the working person.
I stand for the poor.
I stand for the oppressed.
I stand against war.
I stand against torture.
I stand against the rape of the lower classes to enrich the wealthy.
I stand for my planet. Not my "country", my PLANET.
I stand for love.
I stand for joy.
I stand for life.
I stand for freedom.
I stand for laughter.
I stand for music.
I stand for art.
I stand for my friends.
I stand for my family.
I stand with other liberals.

If this means I have to stand against Obama when he is supporting war then so be it.
If this means I have to stand against Obama when he is supporting torture then so be it.
If this means I have to stand against Obama when he is supporting Wall Street then so be it.

I will stand with Obama when he acts like a liberal and I will stand against him when he doesn't.

And I recommend that you go read the rest of it.

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