Sunday, November 20, 2011

Oh. My. God.

I read somewhere that pepper spray down the throat can kill and that some of the students were coughing up blood hours after having been sprayed.


  1. This was just awful to watch. They're just kids, sitting in peaceful protest. There is no justifying this.

    In addition, Newt Gingrich said last night that the OWS protesters needed to take a bath and get a job. And this man wants to be president?

  2. That seems to be the new ethic: Be as hateful and lacking in empathy as possible.

  3. I was glad to hear on NPR this morning that the president of the UC system is calling for an end to these types of police responses saying that point-blank pepper spray usage on peaceful protestors is outrageous and that police should only respond with what is absolutely necessary.

    And I have seen/read about police shutting down potentially violent protests without resorting to anything like this (case in point, closing down Occupy Portland, OR). I realize that it's good to inform people when the police over-react to prevent it from continuing, but I do wish stories of police acting responsibly would become as widespread. They're becoming the villains in this movement instead of the ones who really are the true villains.

  4. Anonymous12:54 PM

    sickening...absolutely repulsive and disgusting...they should be charged with felony criminal assault.
    annie c

  5. Anonymous10:39 AM

    There were also faculty among these people who got sprayed. Some of them strongly support the Occupy movement.

  6. Anonymous11:10 AM

    and all those people (police officers, sworn to protect us), just standing there! They are all guilty!
    annie c

  7. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Well, no they aren't, because these are UC Davis campus security. I haven't seen anything to indicate these guys are city police officers. So they aren't sworn to protect the citizens like (for example) the Orange County deputies here in Florida would be, vs. the University of Central Florida rent-a-cops.

  8. Anonymous9:00 AM

    ALL of the people who stood idly by and allowed this to happen without making an effort to stop it, are guilty in my view.


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