Monday, May 22, 2006

The greater casualties

I want to bring you a brief passage from the latest article by Paul Craig Roberts called "The administration that won't stop lying" and then suggest that you click through and read the whole thing. It's really good.

The Republican Party has been reduced to one principle – its own power. It protects the Bush regime from accountability and covers up its lies and misdeeds. Under the myths and lies that enshroud 9/11, the Democrats have collapsed as an opposition party.

The Bush regime has destroyed Iraq without being able to defeat the resistance. Its greater casualties, however, are the American people, voiceless with no political representation, defenseless in the face of police-state depredations such as illegal warrantless surveillance, the possibility of property seizures, and indefinite detention without charges.

The Bush regime's war on terror has defeated truth and the constitutional protections of liberty in the United States. No conceivable number of Muslim terrorists could inflict comparable damage on America.

I still shake my head sometimes and think surely I'm going to wake up from this bad dream. It's so hard for me to believe what has happened to this country.

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