Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The real treason

I want you to read an excerpt from the latest article by Paul Craig Roberts and I want you to think about it seriously. The article is entitled, "The real assault on America" . Here you go:

The question presents itself: Are Americans guilty of treason when they turn their backs on the Constitution? Treason is betrayal of country. And what defines country? In the United States, the Constitution defines country. The Bush regime's assault on the Constitution is an assault on America.

Moreover, it is a far more dangerous and deadly assault than a terrorist assault on buildings.

Ask yourself, gentle reader, what are we without the Constitution? Without the Constitution, how do we differ from the hapless subjects sent to Soviet and Nazi death camps? The Constitution protects our rights, and without our rights we are nothing.

It has been widely reported, apparently without causing Americans any unease, that the Bush regime has awarded Halliburton $385 million to build concentration camps in the United States. Who are to be the inmates? Certainly not terrorists. The Bush regime has proven inept at catching terrorists, and those few who are captured are kept offshore out of the reach of the courts where they can be tortured and abused. The camps are certainly not for illegal aliens who both political parties want to give amnesty and citizenship.

Concentration camps epitomize the horrors and inhumanity of the Stalin and Nazi era. Why is the Bush regime building concentration camps in America?

Just because they are called "detention centers" doesn't change the fact that they are, in fact, concentration camps. Don't say "it can't happen here". Because it is happening.


  1. Anonymous1:24 PM

    So, what do we do about it? It does no good to contact our politicians from Oklahoma. What other voice do we have?

  2. I don't know, Anonymous. It's depressing to me too. The only thing I know to do is to contribute to those organizations that are fighting and to speak up in little ways. At least I know I have this blog so I don't have to be hauled off to the camps having been a coward. The goons KNOW where I stand and if they're monitoring our phone calls, you KNOW they're keeping track of dissident blogs.

  3. Anonymous2:44 PM

    I hate to show my ignorance, but what organizations are really fighting things like the detention camps, domestic spying, etc.?

  4. Anonymous5:46 PM

    The Democrats are asking for money fast and furious (I had three e-mails from them today), but in my opinion they have shown no spine in fighting any of our current problems. Amnesty International is one organization that is protesting things like prisoner rendition to other countries, torture, and being held without due cause. If they have battled the domestic spying issue or the building of detention camps, I have missed it. Does anyone know of any other organizations that are worth considering?
    Carolyn L.

  5. Well, I don't know for sure but I imagine the best bet is the ACLU. If they're not fighting it now, it's only a matter of time before they do.

  6. Anonymous11:26 PM

    The ACLU web site, www.aclu.org, currently has a petition to be signed that goes to the major phone companies cooperating in the phone spying debacle. It can be found by clicking on 'action center' on their homepage.
    Thanks, Ellie.
    Carolyn L.


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