Wednesday, August 09, 2006

They're simply shameless

I just read this on AMERICAblog:

And just when you thought the administration could not dust off 9/11 for another round of divide and conquer, Tony Snow just equated a vote for Ned Lamont as a vote for a return of 9/11. Good God, these crass bastards. Has Tony received the memo yet that explains that the Republicans were the ones in charge on September 11, 2001.

First of all, it's preposterous, of course. But what really sickens me is the shameless playing of the fear card. We used to be "the home of the brave" in this country. But the Bush administration keeps telling us to be afraid, be very afraid.

Still, let's hear it for the good Democrats of Connecticut who are showing Joe Lieberman the door for his cheerleading the Bush administration. May it be a portent of things to come.

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