Sunday, January 21, 2007

Did he really say this?

This simply defies belief:

I think the Iraqi people owe the American people a huge debt of gratitude. We've endured great sacrifice to help them.

-- George W. Bush

Tens of thousands dead
Cities destroyed
Infrastructure decimated
Health care system devastated
Depleted uranium poisoning
Sectarian violence unleashed

And for this, they should be grateful?

What planet is he living on?

1 comment:

  1. Did you really include something as harmless as depleted uranium in that list? The top inch of soil in Iraq has far more U-238 than was used in ammunition.

    Radioactivity might not be that dangerous. People in the Rocky Mountain States ("where the scenery's attractive and the air is radioactive" --- Professor Tom Lehrer) have low cancer mortality rates. There is also no evidence of multi-generation damage at Hiroshima.

    Uranium-238 is not very radioactive anyway. It is more dangerous because of chemical poisoning than radiation poisoning. (It's the second least radioactive actinide, just behind thorium-232.) If we didn't use U-238, we would have traditionally used lead --- another chemical poison.


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