Friday, January 19, 2007

Please go read this article.

I want to recommend a short article called "It All Started With an American Taliban" by David Swanson. It's really impossible to give you an excerpt that will do it justice. It's a short article so just go read it. It's about what the government did to John Walker Lindh. It's also about Jesselyn Radack, a member of the Justice Department who was attacked by the government for simply saying that "the FBI could not legally interrogate Lindh, knowing that his father had retained counsel on his behalf." We need to know what our government has done - is doing. I will now tell you how the article ends:

The Justice Department aggressively attacked Radack, costing her a job there and a later job with a private law firm, threatening her license to practice law, damaging her reputation, denying her income, placing her on the "no-fly" list, and endlessly harassing her. Her book recounts the hell she went through.

As we watch the Libby trial unfold, let's bear in mind that this is what it is about: retribution against Joe Wilson who told the truth about the lie that launched the war. His wife was collateral damage.

Please go read the whole thing.

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