Thursday, March 15, 2007


Hillary Clinton

Senator Clinton can do better than this. Take a look at these excerpts from a CNN article entitled "Sen. Clinton dodges question on gays, immorality":

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Sen. Hillary Clinton sidestepped a question about whether she thinks homosexuality is immoral Wednesday, less than two weeks after telling gay-rights activists she was "proud" to stand by their side.

Clinton was asked the question by ABC News, in the wake of Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Peter Pace's controversial comment that he believed homosexual acts were immoral.

"Well, I'm going to leave that to others to conclude," she said.
"I assume that Senator Clinton -- who has spoken out strongly against military discrimination, who stands for civil unions and respect for same-sex couples -- understands that gay Americans are not immoral, and she ought to say so clearly," said Evan Wolfson, executive director of Freedom to Marry, a group that advocates same-sex marriage.

Other public figures have been more forceful in taking issue with Pace's comments, making Clinton's non-answer even more problematic.

Sen. John Warner, a conservative Republican from Virginia, said, "I respectfully, but strongly, disagree with the chairman's view that homosexuality is immoral."

If John Warner can say directly that homosexuality is not immoral then so can Hillary Clinton. It's sheer cowardice that she didn't.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:40 AM

    If that soundbite is all there was time for, I'm glad she didn't diminish the issue with a simple black-or-white answer.


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