Thursday, March 08, 2007

The ex-spook is spooked.

R. James Woolsey

Matt Huculak sent me a CNN article entitled "Ex-CIA chief spooked by fossil fuels". Here's how it gets started:

LAS VEGAS ( -- So maybe it was part of his job to be paranoid, but former CIA head R. James Woolsey takes no comfort in the nation's reliance on oil and other fossil fuels.

Speaking at a reception at a renewable energy conference in Las Vegas co-hosted by the American Council on Renewable Energy, Woolsey told an attentive crowd that the country's heavy reliance on oil has the two-pronged effect of contributing to global warming and helping to finance global terrorism.

"We have risks to our infrastructure and our lives," said Woolsey, who sits on the advisory board of the renewable energy council.

He said of the billions of dollars Saudi Arabia gets from U.S. oil purchases, millions find their way to terrorist organizations within the Middle Eastern country.

Once again, what will it take for the Bush administration to listen?

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