Tuesday, January 03, 2006

True Christianity

I believe I've posted before about the Christian Alliance for Progress. I thought I'd call it to your attention again because I think it's important that people realize that the fundamentalists are not entitled to exclusive use of the term, "Christian". Here's their mission statement:

The mission of the Christian Alliance for Progress to reclaim Christianity and transform American politics. We advance a renewed, progressive vision of Gospel values and help Americans express this moral vision in how we think, work, and vote.

And here's what the Christian Alliance for Progress stands for:


Our positions on political issues arise from how we see the values that Jesus taught. To learn more about these values, click here. To download a PDF of the issues below, click here.

Caring For "The Least Of These" - Pursuing Economic Justice The Jesus of the Gospels calls us to good stewardship, justice, and care for "the least of these." We call on our nation's leaders to seek economic justice in the management of our nation's wealth.

Caring for the Earth - Responsible Environmental Stewardship for Today Jesus urged his followers to be good stewards and to act for good in the world here and now. We respond by caring for God's created world today, holding our environment in trust for our children.

Rejecting Bigotry, Embracing Dignity - Equality for Gays and Lesbians Jesus taught equality, justice and obligation. We accept Jesus' call to love one another and to welcome all God's children at the table.

Honoring the Sanctity Of Childbearing DecisionsEffective Prevention vs. Criminalizing Abortion Jesus taught compassion, responsibility, and equality. Following his call, we support responsible, compassionate programs that are genuinely effective in helping prevent unintended pregnancy. We affirm that each woman's body belongs to herself. No woman should be forced either to bear a child or to terminate a pregnancy.

Forsaking Brute Power - Seeking Peace, Not War Jesus knew power and he knew it could be used for justice or for conquest. Over and over, Jesus blessed his followers with peace and urged them to peace. Following his example, we call for restraint - not aggression - in the exercise of our nation's power.

Extending Healing to All - Health Care for All Americans Jesus' insisted on justice, equality, and care for "the least of these." Acting on his teachings, we claim every American must have access to excellent health care.

If you are a church person, this is a movement worth supporting and participating in. Even if you're not a church person, studying this site may well give you a refreshing look at what Christianity is meant to be.

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