Monday, March 12, 2007

Real Christianity

I want to call your attention to an article entitled "Time for Reform: It is to Reclaim Christianity". Here's how it gets started:

Violent Christians do not represent the face of Christ to the world! There are many who share this belief. We do not have paid lobbyists, vast hours of radio and television airtime or personal friendships with the president. What we do have is a passion for community. The time has come to reclaim the meaning of Christ’s message. On March 16th we are gathering at the National Cathedral and walking to the White House. Thousands of us will embrace the White House in a large circle. We are proclaiming the “Christian Peace Witness for Iraq.”

Several years ago when the war cries were sounded Jerry Falwell demonstrated how corrupt Christianity has become. He said “ you’ve go to kill the terrorists before the killing stops…if it takes 10 years, blow them all away in the name of the Lord.” This in no way resembles the teachings of Jesus but serves the goals of Empire by rallying the masses to war. Many of us are refusing to join the Christian war party and want reform.

And here's how it ends:

The theses I want to post on the door of our nation’s cathedral are the following:

* Kindness and generosity are the characteristics of Christ
* One cannot kill for Jesus
* The new Jerusalem is not real estate
* Jesus did not teach capitalism
* The free market is not the “good news”
* Punishment does not save
* The word of God is not a book
* One honest person can impact more than a multitude
* Comfort is not our birthright.

I really do wish some of these right wing so-called Christians would try reading the Sermon on the Mount and consider whether their view of Christianity really tallies with what Jesus actually taught.

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