Friday, August 17, 2007

Moyers on Rove

Frank Ford sent me the video I've linked to below. Here's an introduction from Alternet:

Like a lot of us, Bill Moyers was disgusted with the fawning coverage the mainstream media gave Karl Rove when he announced his departure from the White House. Moyers, correctly, says there was a lot more to be said about the man than his ability to manipulate close elections. "Using church pews as precincts, Rove turned religion into a political weapon, a battering ram aimed at the "devil's minions", especially gay people," says Moyers. Moyers talks about how Rove not only shook down fundamentalists but also corporate big wigs and effectively left the US government in shambles. Check out the video [here] for more.

Of course, truth be told, Rove/Bush didn't "win" those elections. They were stolen.

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