Monday, March 24, 2008

Religious right nutjobs

Have you come across the commentary of Cenk Uygur? Here's a sample from a piece of his called "The Real Problem with Reverend Hagee":

John McCain was warmly endorsed by Rev. Hagee this past week. McCain said he was "very honored" and "very proud" of the endorsement.

Reverend Hagee is a Class A kook. Stark raving mad. He believes someone will unite the whole world together and bring peace to everyone -- and that person is the Anti-Christ. Yeah, God forbid we should have peace. So, Hagee prefers war instead.

He wants to preemptively strike Iran to start the festivities. So, will this bring peace later at least? No, exactly the opposite, it will bring Armageddon. Then nearly everyone will die -- which, of course, is a great thing because Biblical prophecy will be fulfilled and the few people who agree with John Hagee will all be saved and laughing their ass off in heaven. And the rest of us will be dead. Killed by Rev. Hagee's righteous God.

This is all very comical and patently absurd. I know it seems literally unbelievable that grown-ass men would believe something this childish and stupid. But I sat through a whole hour of the Glenn Beck show to make sure I wasn't misinterpreting what they were saying. You can watch it
here (it's in seven hilarious parts, which are all next to this clip on You Tube). By the way, Beck enthusiastically agrees and supports Rev. Hagee as he lays out the ravings of his lunatic mind. Thereby proving my dad right when he says in his heavy Turkish accent, "Glenn Beck is the crazy."
But like I said, this would all be an amusing joke, if it weren't for one thing. It's that these wackjobs have actual power in this country.

Yes, that is very worrying.

And I also want you to see what one person said in the comments to the above article:

Hey.. did you ever realize that all the really silly religions.. the completely animal crackers laugh out loud ones.. (Evangelicalism ,Mormons, Scientology) are all American?. Kinda weird.

Hey, it's enough to give you the heebie-jeebies.

UPDATE: I just had to show you another comment to the Cenk Uygur article:

These Evangelicals baffle me.

They believe in an omnipotent god, but believe that by arranging their little wars, they can manipulate god into conforming with their timelines.

They claim to be followers of Jesus, who was compassionate, but relish the idea of most of humanity going to Hell.

They rant about the sacredness of life of the unborn, but have no problem sending people to war and firmly believe in capital punishment (apparently life is sacred from conception until birth).

I don't think they're religious at all: I think they're psychotic. And dangerous. Psychotics do not know limits.

There seem to be two basic kinds of religion. One says, "Everybody's in and my job is to help people realize that and to serve them to the best of my ability." The other says, "Most people are out but I'm one of the few who are in and that's how I feel good about myself."


  1. I remember some years ago I saw Hagee on TV and thought he was a joke. He happened to be preaching that women who refuse to have sex with their husbands on demand where practicing witchcraft. That comment is so insane to me, I never forgot it.
    It's hard to believe Americans take him seriously.

  2. And yet, RS, they DO take him seriously. And that is what is so very worrying.

  3. Funny how Glenn Beck never talks anymore about all those dogs he tortured and killed (pit bulls).

  4. I didn't know that about Glenn beck, Shimmy. Thanks for telling us.


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