Thursday, March 06, 2008

Today's CNN QuickVote

I'm really concerned about this:

Will the Democrats' extended fight for the presidential nomination help or hurt their party?

Help - 29%

Hurt - 71%

This election is ours to lose and it looks like that's what we're hell bent on doing.


  1. Anonymous8:50 PM

    It will not hurt a thing. All Democrats will stand behind Obama, some democrats will stand behind Clinton.

    Clinton/McCain, it's the same person, this an alien shape shifter from the planet Bullchit.

  2. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Another "pundit" said it could actually strengthen the final nominee because whatever the two of them may throw at one another will be nothing compared to what the Republican machine will do in the fall. The point is debatable...I think it depends more on how the candidates conduct themselves. If they blow it, then we won't deserve to win.

    annie c


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