Wednesday, August 03, 2011


  1. Anonymous9:22 AM

    This is very sad...I am now in that unemployment line and without health care benefits. If I wanted to pay for Cobra insurance and have the same benefits as before, it would cost me $775 a MONTH (due to my age) which is about half of my monthly way can I afford that.

    Let's hope I (and the hundreds of thousands like me) take all necesaary measures to avoid illness and accidents.
    annie c

  2. That's horrible Annie. Just horrible.

  3. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Yes Ellie it IS horrible. Luckily for me, I am basically healthy and have no complicated health issues; however,I know this is not true for many, many others.

    And now, after all, our credit rating is NOT so safe!

    annie c


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