Saturday, August 06, 2011

More and more overt racism

Just watch all of it, please:


  1. This is disgusting. I'd like to know the companies that support his program by buying ad time so I can officially boycott them. This is sickening on so many levels. That anyone would listen to this is beyond me.

  2. Here's what I was able to find so far, Stacy:

    Boycott Rush Limbaugh

    You'll have to scroll down just a little bit. The list was up to date as of January 31, 2011. I'll try to find something that has been updated more recently.

  3. Hmmm. The link doesn't work. Let me try again:

    Boycott Rush Limbaugh

  4. Stacy, are you on Facebook? What do you know: there's a boycott Rush Limbaugh page there:

    Boycott Limbaugh Facebook page

  5. Thanks for the links. I am on Facebook and just "liked" the above link. The only company I have done business with on the list is Domino's and I'll make sure I no longer order from them. I may make a few phone calls as well. I also "like" on Facebook and they posted and article about Rush today so I added the links to the comments section on that article. Thanks for doing the research. I had Googled "boycott Rush" before but only found a list from 2009.

  6. Correction, that was not .com


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