Friday, January 05, 2007

Presidential snooping

Well, I'm glad to see somebody else is upset about the President's latest signing statement. The Seattle Times has an editorial entitled "George Bush, Snooper in Chief". Here's how it gets started:

Only hours into the 110th Congress, and Democrats have an assignment exactly suited to the role of divided government created by voters in November: Challenge President Bush's claim he can snoop in the mail with impunity.

The president has added his own unique interpretation to existing law and the intent of otherwise ordinary legislation about the U.S. Postal Service. The New York Daily News reported Thursday he claims the executive branch can read America's mail without a judge's warrant. Apparently, no one noticed what the White House was up to during a recess signing of the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act. In the president's statement on H.R. 6407, he said the executive branch would "construe" a subsection of one of the bill's titles essentially as it saw fit in exigent circumstances. This involves another of those presidential notes that acknowledges a new law was signed, but its application was entirely up to the president.

The president needs to be confronted about this. The press needs to cover this. We really need to raise hell.

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