Monday, March 28, 2005

Dissing Science - Part 2

Okay. It’s about Evolution versus Intelligent Design. It’s about the school board of Dover, Pennsylvania instructing biology teachers to teach non-scientific material in science class. It’s an AFP article entitled “Teaching Darwin splits Pennsylvania town”. Right. Nothing new here. But something a local anti-evolution pastor said absolutely stunned me. The Rev. Ray Mummert was quoted as saying:

We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture.

I’m not kidding, friends. Read the article.

Well, guess what, Pastor Mummert. The rest of us are being attacked by the unintelligent and the uneducated. And guess which one is harder to combat in Mr. Bush’s America???

So that’s Dissing Science – Part 2.

Stay tuned for Part 3 and Part 4 and…

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:54 PM

    Reading this is almost a surreal experience. I feel like we are entering a modern day dark ages when scientific discovery has to be hidden. Have we learned nothing from history? In varying countries throughout history there have been times when intellectual pursuits were punished. These times were never good for anyone. Are we going to have an entire generation that is uneducated in the name of religion? The free pursuit of learning is so vital for individuals and society, but how can we have free pursuit of learning when our teachers are muzzled in the name of religion? This is just the sort of thing our founding fathers were trying to prevent when they designed separation of church and state. They must be turning over in their graves right now. Carolyn L.


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