Tuesday, March 29, 2005

What's going on?

I want to recommend today what I consider to be a very important article. Paul Krugman, of the New York Times, is one of the few progressive voices in the mainstream press who has a backbone and who is meticulous about doing his research. I admire him a lot. His most recent column is entitled, "What's going on?" and Krugman then proceeds to answer the question he has posed. It's a short article. Please read it in its entirety. Here's a taste:

Democratic societies have a hard time dealing with extremists in their midst. The desire to show respect for other people's beliefs all too easily turns into denial: nobody wants to talk about the threat posed by those whose beliefs include contempt for democracy itself.
One thing that's going on is a climate of fear for those who try to enforce laws that religious extremists oppose. Randall Terry, a spokesman for Terri Schiavo's parents, hasn't killed anyone, but one of his former close associates in the anti-abortion movement is serving time for murdering a doctor. George Greer, the judge in the Schiavo case, needs armed bodyguards.

Another thing that's going on is the rise of politicians willing to violate the spirit of the law, if not yet the letter, to cater to the religious right.

By giving one example after another, Krugman paints a chilling picture of what is happening. We seem to be headed for a fundamentalist Christian version of the Taliban here in the United States. I, for one, am very alarmed.

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