Monday, June 12, 2006

About the economy

I want to recommend a very interesting article in The Nation entitled "The Future I Now" about the economy and what we need to do. What really caught my attention is the following paragraph:

You wouldn't know it from reading the newspapers, but substantial and often overwhelming majorities of Americans have repeatedly endorsed governing concepts that conventional politicians dismiss as radical or unrealistic: Universal healthcare. A job for everyone who wants to work, guaranteed by the government. Secure retirements. Stronger enforcement of environmental laws. Stronger defenses against encroaching corporate power. Union protection for workers against exploitative employers. The list goes on. These widely endorsed goals assume an activist government that nurtures people and society first, ahead of corporations and capital. Imagine a political agenda that sets out to give the people what they say they want.

Imagine, indeed. And why isn't this reported by the mainstream press? Because it is owned, body and soul, by the very corporations the people want reined in, that's why.

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