Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Another consequence of global warming

It just doesn't let up. The news about the consequences, I mean. It seems that every day I read something about still another consequence of global warming that I didn't know about before. Here's an excerpt from an AOL News article entitled, "Climate Change Could Decimate Wine Industry":

WASHINGTON (July 11) - Climate warming could spell disaster for much of the multibillion-dollar U.S. wine industry.

Areas suitable for growing premium wine grapes could be reduced by 50 percent - and possibly as much as 81 percent - by the end of this century, according to a study Monday in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The paper indicates increasing weather problems for grapes in such areas as California's Napa and Sonoma valleys.

The main problem: An increase in the frequency of extremely hot days, according to Noah Diffenbaugh of the department of earth and atmospheric sciences at Purdue University.

Grapes used in premium wines need a consistent climate. When temperatures top about 95 degrees they have problems maintaining photosynthesis and the sugars in the grapes can break down, Diffenbaugh said in a telephone interview.

You would think that businesses facing the decimation of their operations would be screaming about this. I guess the really big businesses who put short term profits ahead of long term stewardship are screaming louder to this administration. The oil business trumps all the others, doesn't it?

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