Monday, July 10, 2006

Presidential secrecy

Well, well, well. Looks like even the Republicans (some of them, at least) are getting upset about Bush's attachment to secrecy. Look at this excerpt from a CNN article entitled "Hoekstra: Major program kept from Congress":

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Republican chairman of the House Intelligence Committee accused the Bush administration Sunday of failing to inform Congress of "significant activity" in ongoing secret intelligence programs.

"There are lots of programs going on in the intelligence community. We can't be briefed on every little thing," Chairman Peter Hoekstra said on "Fox News Sunday."

"But in this case there was at least one major -- what I consider significant -- activity that we had not been briefed on," the Michigan Republican said without specifying what that activity was.

"It is not optional for this president or any president or people in the executive community not to keep the intelligence committees fully informed of what they are doing."

Hoekstra said "people within the intelligence community" informed him about programs his committee had not been told about -- a tip Hoekstra said he discovered was true only after making inquiries.
Under the law, the executive branch must inform the legislative branch of what it is doing, Hoekstra said.

There he goes again - breaking the law. Oh but don't forget, this president is above the law. (Sickening.)

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