Sunday, December 31, 2006

Conservatives brains are different

My goodness. You're not going to believe what I've just read. It seems that the brains of conservatives are really different - or at least respond differently - from liberals. The article is by Thomas Bonsell and is entitled "Differences Between Liberal and Conservative" . Here's an excerpt:

After the contentious presidential election of 2000 a researcher at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) pondered if there was a physical difference between liberal and conservative brains. He enlisted dozens of subjects to begin testing, and after the 9/11 attacks on America, he showed images of the victims of the attacks in their agony. Brains of the liberals (Democrats) were activated in the areas associated with concern, caring, empathy; brains of the conservative (Republicans) were unresponsive.

That conservatives are unconcerned about the suffering of others--a well-defined definition of sociopath--has been well observed over the years; this experiment indicates that to be the case and explains the evil political history of conservatism. It shows why Ronald Reagan ignored the AIDS crisis when it hit Americans during his reign and it shows why George W. Bush retards government funding of stem-cell research regardless of the potential it offers. They just don't care about others, and that appears to be a genetic defect in their moral compositions rather than conscious desires to be miserable human beings. And the research explains why right-wingers flock to careers where others' anguish are best ignored, such as the military, policing, insurance (denial of claims) banking (repossessing and foreclosing) and other businesses in which profit is more important than any other consideration. It explains why a right-wing president would start an unnecessary war dreaming of being a modern Alexander the Great only to become a neo-Caligula who would cause hundreds of thousands to die just so he wouldn't have to admit failure.

That liberals show concern for others explains why so many follow careers in which helping others is tantamount, such as education, nursing and social services and why liberal politicians would create government programs that would benefit persons other than themselves.

Yes, it does explain a lot. But this information is pretty depressing, isn't it? If there really is a physical difference then appealing to a conservative's compassion is not likely to work. Of course, there's a chicken-egg question here. Is the physical difference caused by the lack of concern or is the lack of concern caused by the physical difference? I imagine that would be very difficult to test.

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