Friday, December 15, 2006

Jesus and the Board of Education

My friend, Brad Griffith, sent me the following:

Ellie- This story was reported on the St. Louis NPR station yesterday. I did not know that a personal relationship with Jesus was a qualification for appointment. It's interesting that I have not seen this comment in any of the print media reports...

Blunt names another school voucher supporter to board - Frank Morris, KCUR

KANSAS CITY, MO (2006-12-14) Missouri Gov. Matt Blunt has appointed another supporter of school vouchers to the State Board of Education.

Rev. Stanley Archie is pastor at a small store-front church in Mid-town Kansas City, and president of the Kansas City Leadership Federation, and sits on the board of a charter school.

Blunt spokesman Brian Hauswirth says Archie is well qualified for the 8-year appointment: "He's a Democrat, he's willing to ask tough questions, impeccable integrity - He's accepted Jesus Christ as his lord and savior, and he's very, very, very committed to his relationship with Jesus."

Hauswirth says Archie is open to idea of school vouchers, though he insists Governor Blunt does not support them.

Last month, Blunt appointed another voucher advocate to the board - Donayle E. Whitmore-Smith, of St. Louis. Both appointments are subject to Missouri Senate approval.

A religious test for office is blatanly unconstitutional. Calling a "personal relationship with Jesus" a qualification for office is very troubling. And, of course, the support for vouchers is about undermining and eventually destroying the public school system.

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