Thursday, December 14, 2006

That "war on Christmas" again

Yes, it was going on last year and apparently the right-wingers are at it again - playing the martyr when people say "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas". There's an RJ Eskow article about that entitled "A St. Francis Prayer in Reverse For the 'War On Christmas' Whiners". It's worth a read for the diabolical prayer but what I want to show you is the part where Eskow addresses the aggrieved Christianists:

Tell me: How is this"Happy Holidays" business making you suffer, exactly? Do you depend on the greeters at Wal-Mart for your theological guidance? Does the absence of the Savior's name in the Sears catalog leave you spiritually adrift in a hostile cosmos?

Nah. You're just falling back on the worst kind of Me-Generation, touchy-feely, self-pitying behavior. You're complaining because it makes you uncomfortable. It's Christian Dominionism for the "feel good" crowd.

Whatever happened to good old-fashioned stoicism?
St. Peter was crucified upside down, and Polycarp was stabbed to death. You didn't hear them complaining. But you guys live in wealth and privilege under the most powerful nation in history, and yet with all your political influence you can't stop mewling like kittens.
And you guys are bitching because the Christmas Tree some condo association put up doesn't have a cross on it this year. What a bunch of whiners.

Or is your faith in your own religion so weak that you think it will collapse if it doesn't have the official endorsement of the Pine Hill Homeowners Cooperative?

Couldn't have said it better myself.

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