Saturday, December 30, 2006


As someone who is opposed to the death penalty, I was sorry to learn of Saddam's execution. I also think it will make matters worse. Interestingly, CNN had a QuickVote on the subject:

Will Saddam Hussein's hanging help bring stability to Iraq?

Yes - 22%

No - 78%

Here's an email that was sent to CNN about the execution:

Scott Franco of Providence, Rhode Island

Saddam's execution will stir further resentment toward the U.S. and the currently installed Iraqi government. Certainly there are many people in Iraq who were wronged by Hussein and take delight in his punishment. He managed his country through fear, but somehow the masses learned to survive under his reign. Now the situation in Iraq is impossible and degrading quickly during the U.S. occupation. We beat his army in days, but through our negligence, created an enormous humanitarian disaster that has no possibility of a good outcome. The highly publicized hearings and eventual capital punishment of Saddam symbolizes an end to a tyranny that somehow is more palatable than their current situation.

I agree.

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