Saturday, July 16, 2005

Come on, Bush twins: Enlist!

Well, I'm back from a wonderful vacation and I hope those of you who regularly read Child of Illusion managed to get your political fix elswhere for the two weeks I was away. The article I have for you today is a bit out of date but the point being made will never be out of date - never that is, as long as the war in Iraq is ongoing. It's a USA Today article and it's entitled, "If Uncle Sam wants you, he has to be able to find you". Now here's the pertinent passage:

Last fall, Charles Moskos of Northwestern University, a prominent expert on military manpower, asked a group of recruiters what would most help them: tripling bonuses or enlisting presidential daughter Jenna Bush.

The recruiters' choice was unanimous: Jenna Bush

Bush sure loves his war and he sure loves being a "war president" but I don't see him sending his daughters. What? War no longer entails sacrifice? Oh, silly me. Sacrifice is for lower-class poor folks who are so economically disadvantaged they have to enlist if they want a way to get an education.

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