Friday, June 01, 2007

This simply isn't right

But it's not surprising. The Religious Right gets a lot more air time than mainstream religion. Take a look at this article entitled "Religious Right Gets More Than Its 15 Minutes":

WASHINGTON - Conservative religious figures are mentioned in the major U.S. news media as many as 2.8 times as often as progressive religious figures, says a new study released Tuesday in Washington.

The report, “Left Behind: The Skewed Representation of Religion in Major News Media”, analysed the number of times conservative and progressive religious leaders were quoted, mentioned and interviewed in newspaper and television media outlets.

Conservative religious leaders were found to be interviewed, on average, 2.8 times more often than progressives, 3.8 times more often on the television news networks, and 2.7 times as often in the major newspapers.
It is important to note that the main study purposefully did not take into account religious leaders whose celebrity and influence make them political figures and newsmakers in their own right. These leaders include James Dobson, Jerry Falwell, Jesse Jackson, Pat Robertson and Al Sharpton.

Goodness, it's depressing!

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