Wednesday, October 31, 2007

All Hallow's Eve

Tonight, beloved, the veil between the worlds is very thin. This is the night to remember our blessed dead, to realize that their lives have "changed, not ended" and that they remain a part of our awareness and experience if we welcome them and give them hospitality in our hearts.

Whatever our belief system, we can perform a ritual of thanksgiving for their contribution to who and what we are. And, if this is in keeping with our convictions, we can do prayers and meditations for their benefit as they continue to grow and develop in the next life.

So let us remember, let us give thanks, and let us celebrate!
May all beings be happy.


  1. I really like these thoughts. I bless both my parents and think of them with love, as well as many friends. . . .

  2. Anonymous12:38 AM

    These are beautiful thoughts. Thanks.


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