Sunday, April 03, 2005

Democracy or Theocracy?

Not long ago a friend gave me a subscription to Church and State - the publication of Americans United for Separation of Church and State. As a religious person I have a keen interest in this issue because just as I don't want religion tampering with my government, I don't want government tampering with my religion. I think the founders knew what they were doing when they wrote a secular constitution and I'm deeply concerned that the wall of separation is now being so dangerously eroded.

So, I'm sharing an article with you today by Neal Heller entitled, "Democracy or Theocracy" that has been picked up by Smirking Chimp. Heller observes:

Religion is no longer just a sidelight in the American political scene; it has moved front and center. If those of us who consider ourselves mainstream and more toward the center don't wake up soon, the religious right will steamroll moderation and we will find ourselves no longer living in a democracy, but rather a theocracy.
.... The Republican Party has been home to the religious right for a very long time. Today, more than ever, this party has become beholden to those that would like to ignore our rules of law and let God - their God - decide the fate of our country.

Heller then discusses the Schiavo case and the weakening of the separation of powers due to the attacks on the judicial system by the right wing. He later says:

What's next? When will we see these religious fanatics rear their ugly heads again? Do we really want any one religion exercising that much power in this country? Look around the world, and you will see that wherever religion rules the day, so too does hypocrisy and trouble. This country has done very well, thank you, without being dictated to by the religious right. I have a great deal more respect today for the first President Bush, as he probably lost his bid for re-election because he refused to cave in to the religious right. His sons, apparently, better understand just how to cater to this powerful element of the Republican Party. Terri Schiavo should rest in peace as this horrible 15-year ordeal is finally over for her. How long the effects of this political debate lasts is another story.

Mainstream America better take their collective heads out of their rear ends before it is too late. We cannot stand on the sidelines anymore while religious fanatics hold our government hostage. It has been happening in Israel for a very long time. It is beginning to happen here as well. Our very system of government is at risk. I, for one, do not want to be here when we make the transition from democracy to theocracy.

I don't either. But I think I will be for it is already happening. What we are experiencing is the tyranny of the majority. I don't want to have to pander to Christian fundamentalism in order to get along in my country. I want to be Christian and Buddhist and interfaith as I am and to support people whether they're Hindu or Muslim or Wiccan or Humanist or Atheist when they turn to me and to St. John's Center for Spiritual Formation for companionship and support. Because if religion can tamper with government, then government can tamper with religion - and that's very, very scary indeed.


  1. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Americans United for the Separation of Church and State is one of the most important organizations to which I contribute. What is happening in our country terrifies me.

  2. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Americans United for the Separation of Church and State is one of the most important organizations to which I contribute. What is happening in our country terrifies me.


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